
English title (machine-translated)
Notice of the Beijing Municipal People's Government Office on Issuing the Important Matters of People's Livelihood Projects for Beijing in 2025.
Law, regulation or policy
北京市 (Provincial-level units)
3642 characters, 44 paragraphs
Law Status


(1)  The Beijing Municipal Government has released the "Beijing 2025 Important Public Welfare Projects" after approval from the municipal party committee and government. The projects aim to improve the lives of Beijing residents and are divided into 34 key areas.

(2)  1. Optimizing the supply of childcare services, including full-day, half-day, and temporary care, through various channels such as kindergartens, professional childcare institutions, and community-based services.

(3)  2. Increasing the supply of basic public education services by adding 20,000 new education positions.

(4)  3. Establishing a comprehensive community-based elderly care service network, with 50 new elderly care centers in areas with a high concentration of elderly residents, and 200 new rural neighborhood mutual aid elderly care points.

(5)  4. Optimizing the layout of elderly care meal points and improving home-based elderly care services, including meal delivery and home care for severely disabled and demented elderly residents.

(6)  5. Providing free brain health check-ups, health guidance, and management services for residents aged 65 and above and those with a history of diabetes, hypertension, and stroke.

(7)  6. Expanding high-quality medical resources and promoting the development of medical alliances, with 5 new medical alliances and a 50% coverage rate at the district level.

(8)  7. Improving the accessibility of medical services, including the implementation of remote medical services and the construction of "internet-based health village clinics" in 30 rural areas.

(9)  8. Enhancing the connection between pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency services, with a 90% information sharing rate among 150 emergency rescue stations and 110 hospitals.

(10)  9. Building 50,000 new units of affordable housing, with a total of 80,000 units of new housing, to meet the housing needs of residents.

(11)  10. Renovating 20 million square meters of old buildings and 500 old residential areas, and improving the accessibility of public transportation.

(12)  11. Conducting safety assessments of 26,000 old elevators in residential buildings and promoting the renovation of old elevators.

(13)  12. Completing the renovation of 1,500 rural households' heating systems.

(14)  13. Collecting and publishing at least 100,000 job opportunities for college graduates, promoting the employment of 30,000 rural laborers, and providing precise assistance to individuals with employment difficulties.

(15)  14. Improving the services for people with disabilities, including the creation of 2,000 new job opportunities, the training of 4,000 people with disabilities, and the provision of individualized rehabilitation training for 2,000 children with disabilities.

(16)  15. Completing the construction of the 17th subway line, the extension of the 6th subway line, and the renovation of several subway stations.

(17)  16. Promoting the integration of public transportation and subway services, with a 90% rate of convenient transfers between public transportation and subway lines.

(18)  17. Increasing the number of parking spaces in the city center, with a total of 20,000 new parking spaces, and promoting the development of shared parking spaces.

(19)  18. Implementing the renovation of main roads, including the East Fourth Ring Road, and the completion of 150 million square meters of road repairs.

(20)  19. Completing the renovation of 20 "dead-end" roads, including the East Sixth Ring Road and the Yellow Bridge South Street.

(21)  20. Renovating 17 key bridges and improving the accessibility of public transportation.

(22)  21. Promoting the development of community-based home services, including the establishment of 100 community-based home service centers.

(23)  22. Launching new policies to support the development of new energy vehicles and innovative enterprises.

(24)  23. Promoting the development of online services, including the creation of 200 new online services.

(25)  24. Enhancing the coordination of government services in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

(26)  25. Implementing the renovation of 20 green spaces, including the creation of 10 new parks and the renovation of 10 existing parks.

(27)  26. Completing the renovation of 15 areas prone to flooding, the implementation of 50 water supply projects, and the installation of 4 million smart water meters.

(28)  27. Promoting the development of rural areas, including the construction of 23 demonstration villages and 80 upgraded villages.

(29)  28. Launching a series of special rectification measures for 13 key areas, including social security and employment services.

(30)  29. Hosting a series of cultural and entertainment events, including 16,000 performances and 40,000 cultural events.

(31)  30. Promoting the development of sports, including the hosting of 200 sports events and the renovation of 4 sports parks.

(32)  31. Improving the accessibility and convenience of public cultural spaces, including the renovation of 1000 kilometers of green spaces and the creation of 60 new public sports facilities.

(33)  32. Completing the renovation of 1000 kilometers of old gas, heating, water, and sewage pipes, and the installation of 80 million smart


(1)  京政办发〔2025〕1号

(2)  各区人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构:

(3)  《北京市2025年重要民生实事项目》已经市委、市政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真抓好贯彻落实。

(4)  一、提高政治站位,增进民生福祉。各部门、各单位和各区政府要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻落实党的二十大和二十届二中、三中全会精神,认真贯彻中央经济工作会议精神,深入贯彻习近平总书记对北京重要讲话精神,践行以人民为中心的发展思想,紧扣“七有”要求和“五性”需求,切实将民生实事作为民心工程,用心用情用力办好每个项目,不断增强群众获得感、幸福感、安全感。

(5)  二、尽早启动实施,提升落实水平。各部门、各单位和各区政府要增强全局意识,聚焦目标任务,加快制定切实可行的实施方案,保质保量推进各项工作,确保早实施、早见效,让群众早受益。要坚持尽力而为、量力而行,提高财政资金使用效益,做到务实节俭。要坚持质量导向、效果导向,既要关注任务完成情况,更要关注群众的获得感和满意度,让群众可感、可及。

(6)  三、强化统筹调度,严格跟踪问效。各部门、各单位和各区政府要加强沟通协商,做好协同联动,充分调动各方面积极性,切实形成工作合力。要定期开展检查评估,积极听取群众意见建议,把工作做到群众心坎上。要综合运用多种方式,加强宣传引导,回应社会关切,讲好首都民生故事。全市政府系统督促检查工作机构要加强督促检查,压实责任,推动民生实事全面落实。

(7)  北京市人民政府办公厅

(8)  2025年1月26日

(9)  (此件公开发布)

(10)  北京市2025年重要民生实事项目

(11)  1.优化普惠托育服务供给体系,针对“小小孩”多元化托育需求,通过幼儿园办托、专业机构托育、社区嵌入式托育、单位办托等提供全日托、半日托、计时托、临时托服务;继续免费为普惠托育机构提供安全运营保险。

(12)  2.持续加大基本公共教育服务供给,新增基础教育学位2万个。

(13)  3.健全居家社区养老服务网络,在“老老人”数量较多的区域新建养老服务中心50个,为老年人提供家门口的普惠养老服务;补齐农村养老服务短板,新建农村邻里互助养老服务点200个。

(14)  4.优化调整养老助餐点布局,完善居家老年人配餐送餐服务;新建家庭养老床位2000张,为重度失能失智老年人提供更加专业化的居家照护服务;针对“老老人”等重点人群,推进优化家庭医生签约服务试点。

(15)  5.为65岁及以上的老年人和50岁及以上有糖尿病、高血压、脑卒中病史等情况的居民,提供免费的脑健康体检、健康指导管理等服务;积极落实国家加速消除宫颈癌行动,为2025年新入学的初一在校女生免费自愿接种人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗。

(16)  6.推动优质医疗资源扩容下沉,在实现不同级别、类别医疗机构之间的医联体全覆盖基础上,新建5个更加紧密的城市医联体,区级覆盖率达到50%,优化双向转诊,方便群众就近就便就医;进一步筑牢农村基层医疗卫生服务基础,村卫生室与乡镇社区卫生服务中心全面一体化管理率达到70%以上;利用远程医疗或互联网诊疗手段,支持30个基层医疗卫生机构建设“互联网健康乡村门诊”,为农村地区提供优质医疗服务;在基层卫生服务机构新建200个提供规范中医药诊疗服务的中医特色诊区。

(17)  7.进一步畅通基层预约转诊通道,扩大三级公立医院向基层供应号源的数量和覆盖面,市属医院全量门诊预约号源提前2周向基层医疗卫生机构投放,三级公立医院实现50%门诊预约号源提前向基层医疗卫生机构投放;开展生育保险门诊产前检查费用医保实时结算。

(18)  8.强化院前与院内医疗急救衔接,年内实现150个急救工作站与110家接诊医院的院前急救危重症患者救治信息共享,信息推送率达到90%以上。

(19)  9.通过新建、改建、转化等方式,建设筹集保障性租赁住房5万套(间),竣工各类保障房8万套(间),更好满足群众住房需求。

(20)  10.推动危旧楼房改造(简易楼腾退),启动20万平方米改造(腾退)任务;推进500个老旧小区综合整治,并协同开展适老化改造。

(21)  11.完成2.6万台住宅老旧电梯安全评估,推动老旧电梯更新改造工作。

(22)  12.完成具备条件的1500户农村住户清洁取暖改造。

(23)  13.归集发布不少于10万个高校毕业生就业岗位,促进3万名农村劳动力就业参保,强化就业困难人员精准帮扶。

(24)  14.持续完善残疾人关爱服务,新增残疾人就业岗位2000个,开展残疾人职业技能培训4000人,为残疾人大学生提供“一对一”就业帮扶;为2000名残疾儿童提供个性化康复训练;持续推进公共场所无障碍环境建设,改造提升300个公共场所的无障碍设施。

(25)  15.实现轨道交通17号线全线、6号线南延,以及8号线大红门站、16号线苏州桥站A口具备初期运营条件;力争实现13号线扩能提升工程(后厂村站-天通苑东站)具备初期运营条件。

(26)  16.促进公交线路与轨道交通等多网融合,持续优化调整公交线路,公交与轨道50米内换乘比例达到90%;持续做好通学公交服务保障,加强供需对接,优化30条通学公交线路;优化朝阳站、丰台站南交通枢纽接驳功能和通行流线,提升换乘便利度。

(27)  17.加大中心城区停车设施建设力度,统筹利用腾退用地、闲置空间等新增停车位2万个;新增错时共享停车位1万个;利用人防工程新增停车位5000个;新建1万个新能源汽车充电桩;加强非机动车停放治理,完成50个轨道站点和40个“学医景商”重点点位的非机动车停放秩序治理。

(28)  18.实施东四环主路等维修工程,完成150万平方米其他城市道路大修;打通东六环西侧路、黄渠南街等20条“断头路”;对燕莎桥、北苑高架桥等17座重点桥系桥下空间进行提升;启动3座医院周边过街天桥增设电梯改造。

(29)  19.新建150条、调整200条信号灯绿波带,优化100处重点路口信号配时;完成30项市级疏堵工程。

(30)  20.推进家政服务进社区,发展家政服务新模式,推动家政服务企业与100个社区对接入驻。

(31)  21.聚焦个人和企业民生领域,推出五环路内新能源货车昼运通行、科技型企业创新政策扶持等新一批“高效办成一件事”;持续推进“一网通办”,新增居民出入境证件办理预约等200项服务事项在“京通”移动端办理。

(32)  22.进一步促进京津冀政务服务协同发展,继续推动区域资质资格互认便利化,新增20项以上互认资质资格统一规范办理或“亮证即办”。

(33)  23.开展清洁城市建设行动,实施20项市级环境品质提升项目;推进1100条背街小巷环境精细化治理;规范治理护栏、杆体、箱体等城市家具,推进“多杆合一”;完成大屯、马家楼、小武基垃圾分拣中心设施建设,完善1000个居住小区再生资源回收体系,举办“垃圾分类进社区”等各类活动不少于500场。

(34)  24.深入打好大气污染防治攻坚战,提升市民群众蓝天获得感;进一步向市民群众扩大开放亲水空间,实现温榆河公园二期、宋庄蓄滞洪区二期等工程对外开放;实施绿隔地区郊野公园提升10个;新增绿道(含森林步道)1000公里。

(35)  25.推进城市公园建设,建成无界公园20个,实施全龄友好型公园改造10处,新建口袋公园及小微绿地30处,打造社区微花园50个。

(36)  26.完成15处积水点治理;实施50处城乡供水提升工程;安装40万支智能水表;推进节水型社会建设,在全市范围内为居民家庭更换5万套以上节水型器具。

(37)  27.持续推进乡村振兴“百千工程”建设,启动23个乡村振兴示范村和80个提升村建设工作,打造宜居宜业的和美乡村;引育支持30家以上新型农业经营主体发展新业态,带动不少于100家生产经营主体入驻北京特色农产品线上专区。

(38)  28.对12345市民服务热线诉求集中的新就业形态劳动者社会保障等13个“每月一题”开展专项治理;每季度对物业类投诉量前100名的小区开展专项治理。

(39)  29.开展“歌唱北京”“舞动北京”等首都市民系列文化活动1.6万场,举办戏曲、话剧、音乐会等各类演艺活动4万场;新增100条“漫步北京”主题游线路;办好2025年国际博物馆日中国主会场活动和北京博物馆季,举办“殷墟展”等100项精品展览和100场主题文化活动。

(40)  30.继续办好高水平体育精品赛事,举办马拉松、乒乓球公开赛、社区杯足球赛等群众广泛参与的赛事活动200项;改扩建4个体育公园;新建或更新60处群众身边的运动场地和健身设施。

(41)  31.进一步优化公共文化空间配套设施和服务体系,鼓励文旅场所完善配套餐饮等服务,推动市属文保单位加强文物保养维护和环境整治,推进市属公园便民设施改造升级,提升市民群众的体验感、满意度。

(42)  32.完成1000公里燃气、供热、供水、排水等老旧管线改造;完成3800万平方米建筑智能化供热改造;更新换装80万块智能电表。

(43)  33.建成城市消防站10座,带动提升区域消防安全服务保障水平;持续推动在住宅小区安装电动自行车进电梯智能阻止器,完成400个老旧高层住宅小区安装。

(44)  34.以学生餐、日常消费大宗食品、网络销售食品、新兴业态相关食品为重点,开展食品安全“你点我检”活动,实施食品安全放心工程,实现食品安全抽检合格率保持在98.5%以上;加大抽检监测力度,实现药品监督抽检合格率保持在99%以上。