
English title (machine-translated)
Notice of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality on Announcement of the Eleventh Batch of Protected Scenic Areas and Their Protective Perimeter and Construction Control Zones.
Law, regulation or policy
北京市 (Provincial-level units)
826 characters, 59 paragraphs
Law Status


(1)  The Beijing Municipal Government has announced the protection ranges and construction control areas for the 11th batch of protected cultural relics in Beijing. The announcement is based on the "Cultural Relics Protection Law of the People's Republic of China," the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Cultural Relics Protection Law of the People's Republic of China," and the "Regulations on the Management of the Protection Range and Construction Control Area of Beijing's Protected Cultural Relics."

(2)  All relevant departments and government agencies at the district level, as well as municipal committees, bureaus, and institutions, are required to fully understand the importance of cultural relics protection, adhere to the principle of "protection first, reasonable use, and minimum intervention," and strictly fulfill their obligations to protect cultural relics.

(3)  The announcement includes a list of 51 newly protected cultural relics, which are as follows:

(4)  1. The Clearing Downstream Site 2. The Hongen Temple 3. The Yuhu An Temple 4. The Sengge Rinchen Memorial Hall 5. The Original Beimeng Girls' School Building 6. The Zhengyang Bridge Site 7. The Wan Shou Xing Long Temple 8. The Huguo Guanyin Temple 9. The Xi Banqiao 10. The Cunjin Wangfu Stables 11. The Qian Shi Hutong Furnace and Silver Number Building 12. The Old Site of Beijing Normal University 13. The Tai'an Li Early Republican Architecture 14. The High General's Tomb 15. The Huguo Temple Remains 16. The Pingxi West Zhongmen Old Railway Station 17. The Ma Jun Martyr's Tomb 18. The Shangfang Temple Remains 19. The Enyou Temple Gate 20. The Enmu Temple Gate 21. The Yihe Garden's Upgrading Office 22. The Shangyi Teachers' College Black Mountain Hu School Old Site 23. The General's Tomb 24. The Central Party School's South Campus Modern Architecture 25. The Fu Junwang Tomb 26. The Qinghua Garden Old Railway Station 27. The General's Tomb 28. The North Huiji Temple's Yongzheng Engraved Stele and Stele Pavilion 29. The Dong Hulu Lin People's Site 30. The Longwang Guanyin Chanlin Great Hall 31. The Miao Fengshan Niu Niu Temple 32. The Hebei Village Eastern Wei Wu Ding Three Stone Carvings 33. The Eighth Route Army's Song Deng Branch Reunion Site 34. The Beijing Daily News West Mountain Base 35. The Guangyang Ancient City 36. The Tang Dynasty's Lu Long Jiedu Liu Ji Tomb 37. The Zhuangjing Wang Family Tomb 38. The Yi Gui, Gu Taiqing Zhuang Family Tomb and Tomb 39. The Northern Qi River Clear Three Cave Carvings 40. The No Communist Party, No New China Composition Creation Site 41. The Suo Dian Volunteer Martyrs' Cemetery 42. The Liangxiang Martyrs' Cemetery 43. The Lu County Ancient City Site 44. The Tongzhou Confucian Temple 45. The Pingjin Campaign Command Post Songzhuang Old Site 46. The 13th Dynasty Water Reservoir Memorial 47. The Taoteng Village Anti-Japanese War Old Site 48. The Dazhangke Liao Dynasty Mining Heritage Site 49. The Badaling Martyrs' Cemetery 50. The Beijing Ming and Qing Imperial City Wall Remains 51. The Middle Axis South Segment Road Remains.


(1)  京政发〔2025〕3号

(2)  各区人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构:

(3)  根据《中华人民共和国文物保护法》《中华人民共和国文物保护法实施条例》《北京市文物保护单位保护范围及建设控制地带管理规定》,现将第十一批文物保护单位的保护范围及建设控制地带予以公布。各区政府、各有关部门要充分认识文物保护工作的重要性,按照有关法律法规及规章,坚持保护第一、合理利用和最小干预原则,认真履行文物保护义务,采取有效措施,确保文物安全。

(4)  第十一批文物保护单位保护范围及建设控制地带说明及其图纸,由市文物局、市规划自然资源委另行印发。

(5)  北京市人民政府

(6)  2025年1月11日

(7)  (此件公开发布)

(8)  第十一批文物保护单位保护范围及建设控制地带名单

(9)  1.澄清下闸遗址

(10)  2.宏恩观

(11)  3.玉河庵

(12)  4.僧格林沁祠堂

(13)  5.原贝满女中建筑

(14)  6.正阳桥遗址

(15)  7.万寿兴隆寺

(16)  8.护国观音寺

(17)  9.西板桥

(18)  10.醇亲王府马号

(19)  11.钱市胡同炉房银号建筑群

(20)  12.北师大旧址

(21)  13.泰安里民国早期建筑

(22)  14.高君宇烈士墓

(23)  15.护国寺建筑遗存

(24)  16.平绥西直门车站旧址

(25)  17.马骏烈士墓

(26)  18.上方寺遗存

(27)  19.恩佑寺山门

(28)  20.恩慕寺山门

(29)  21.颐和园升平署

(30)  22.上义师范学校黑山扈校区旧址

(31)  23.佟麟阁将军墓

(32)  24.中央党校南院近代建筑群

(33)  25.孚郡王墓

(34)  26.清华园车站旧址

(35)  27.赵登禹将军墓

(36)  28.北惠济庙雍正御制碑及碑亭

(37)  29.东胡林人遗址

(38)  30.龙王观音禅林大殿

(39)  31.妙峰山娘娘庙

(40)  32.河北村东魏武定三年石刻

(41)  33.八路军宋邓支队会师地旧址

(42)  34.北京日报社西山基地

(43)  35.广阳城遗址

(44)  36.唐幽州卢龙节度使刘济墓

(45)  37.庄亲王园寝

(46)  38.奕绘、顾太清庄园及园寝

(47)  39.北齐河清三年摩崖造像

(48)  40.没有共产党就没有新中国词曲创作地旧址

(49)  41.窦店志愿军烈士陵园

(50)  42.良乡烈士陵园

(51)  43.路县故城遗址

(52)  44.通州文庙

(53)  45.平津战役指挥部宋庄旧址

(54)  46.十三陵水库纪念碑

(55)  47.桃棚村抗战时期旧址

(56)  48.大庄科辽代矿冶遗址群

(57)  49.八达岭烈士陵园

(58)  50.北京明清皇城墙遗存

(59)  51.中轴线南段道路遗存