北京市农业农村局 北京市财政局关于做好2024年度支持农村地区村庄住户“煤改电”取暖设备更新工作的通知

English title (machine-translated)
Notification of the Beijing Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau and the Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau on doing a good job in the 2024 supporting rural areas village residents "coal to electricity" heating equipment upgrade work.
Law, regulation or policy
北京市 (Provincial-level units)
1409 characters, 21 paragraphs
Law Status


(1)  The Beijing Municipal Government has issued a notification (京政农发〔2024〕51号) to support rural residents in Beijing to upgrade their heating equipment from coal to electricity. The notification is based on two previous documents: the National Development and Reform Commission's notice on the implementation of the "Energy Key Fields Large-Scale Equipment Update Scheme" (发改办能源〔2024〕687号) and the Beijing Municipal Government's notice on the implementation of the "Beijing City Large-Scale Support for Equipment Update and Product Replacement Scheme" (京发改规〔2024〕5号).

(2)  The notification states that rural residents who have been receiving government subsidies for coal heating can apply for a subsidy to upgrade to a low-environmental-temperature air-source heat pump water heater with a first-class energy efficiency rating. The subsidy will cover 40% of the product's sales price, with a maximum subsidy of 6,000 yuan per household.

(3)  The notification also outlines the requirements for the upgraded equipment, including a recent inspection report from a national-level quality inspection institution, and the need for the equipment to meet the performance requirements for low-environmental-temperature air-source heat pump water heaters (see Annex 1).

(4)  The notification requires each district to establish a detailed process for applying for and reviewing subsidy applications, and to ensure that subsidy funds are disbursed promptly. To facilitate the process, districts can use the "Rural Heating Update Assistant" WeChat mini-program to apply for and review subsidy applications.

(5)  The notification emphasizes the importance of organizing and leading the upgrade work, promoting policy awareness, and strengthening supervision and management. It requires each district to take responsibility for implementing the subsidy policy, to establish a clear process for applying for and reviewing subsidy applications, and to ensure that subsidy funds are used properly.

(6)  The notification also emphasizes the need to promote policy awareness through various channels, including government websites, radio and television, and social media, and to ensure that subsidy funds are used in accordance with the law.


(1)  京政农发〔2024〕51号

(2)  各有关单位:

(3)  根据《国家发展改革委办公厅国家能源局综合司关于印发〈能源重点领域大规模设备更新实施方案〉的通知》(发改办能源〔2024〕687号)和《北京市发展和改革委员会北京市财政局关于印发〈北京市加力支持设备更新和消费品以旧换新实施方案〉的通知》(京发改规〔2024〕5号)要求,现就支持本市农村地区村庄住户“煤改电”取暖设备更新有关工作通知如下。

(4)  一、补贴对象和标准

(5)  (一)补贴对象。对原享受政府补贴的分户供暖农村地区“煤改电”村庄住户,清洁取暖设备运行使用满10年,或虽没有达到上述年限但经认定具备报废标准的,并于2024年12月31日(含当日)前完成购置安装、更新符合一级能效的低环境温度空气源热泵热水机组,可以申请享受2024年清洁取暖设备更新项目支持。

(6)  (二)补贴标准。对符合条件的村庄住户市场化自行更新购买符合低环境温度空气源热泵热水机组,按照产品销售价格的40%进行补贴,最高补贴金额不超过0.6万元/户。

(7)  (三)性能要求。机组应具有国家级质检机构出具的近2年内的检验合格报告,检验报告涵盖的设备性能指标参数应符合低环境温度空气源热泵热水机组性能要求(详见附件1)。

(8)  更新为其他清洁取暖设备类型等不在本补贴政策适用范围内的,低环境温度空气源热泵热水机组报废的标准,按《北京市农村地区清洁取暖设备更新工作指导意见》(京政农发〔2023〕49号)、《关于进一步做好农村地区村庄住户冬季清洁取暖工作的补充通知》等文件规定执行。

(9)  二、设备更新补贴程序

(10)  各区农业农村部门或城市管理部门根据实际情况细化设备更新申请和审核流程,明确设备更新申请材料、申领补贴材料等内容。要求设备更新安装日期、发票日期、合同或协议日期等日期需在补贴政策实施期限之内。审核通过后尽快拨付补贴资金。

(11)  为加快更新效率,各区可借助“农村取暖更新助手”微信小程序进行设备更新申请审核。各区可组织签订农村地区村庄住户清洁取暖设备补贴申领承诺书(附件2)。

(12)  三、工作要求

(13)  (一)加强组织领导。市农业农村局、市财政局对农村地区村庄住户清洁取暖工作进行指导,评估政策执行情况。其他部门职责分工按照《北京市发展和改革委员会北京市财政局关于印发〈北京市加力支持设备更新和消费品以旧换新实施方案〉的通知》(京发改规〔2024〕5号)等文件执行。各区是支持设备更新工作的责任主体和实施主体,区农业农村部门或城市管理部门要制定或细化设备更新申请、审核和补贴发放程序,组织做好设备更新核验、补贴资金审核等管理工作。区财政部门做好补贴资金及时拨付和使用监管。

(14)  (二)做好政策宣传。各区要充分认识消费品以旧换新工作的重要性和必要性,通过政府网站、广播电视、政务新媒体和乡镇办事大厅、村委会等线上、线下渠道,加强宣传动员,做好政策解读,不断提高政策落地效果。

(15)  (三)切实加强监管。各区农业农村部门或城市管理部门要加强对补贴资金使用的核查,根据实际情况开展实地抽查。补贴资金专款专用,使用管理接受审计、纪检监察、财政等部门的监督检查。申请人应按照有关要求如实申报,并对申报信息的真实性、准确性负责,在补贴资金发放中弄虚作假的,有关部门有权追回补贴资金。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

(16)  本文件自印发之日起执行。

(17)  北京市农业农村局

(18)  北京市财政局

(19)  2024年10月10日

(20)  (联系人:市农业农村局王梁;联系电话:55525155,市财政局郑金星;联系电话:55592157)

(21)  (此件主动公开)