
English title (machine-translated)
Notification of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau on the Full Implementation of National Basic Medical Insurance Negotiated Drug Products in Tertiary Designated Medical Institutions.
Law, regulation or policy
北京市 (Provincial-level units)
975 characters, 18 paragraphs
Law Status


(1)  To further improve the implementation of national insurance negotiated medicines (referred to as national negotiated medicines) in Beijing, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission has issued a notice to relevant departments and institutions. According to the requirements of the "Beijing Municipal Health Commission's Notice on the Implementation of the Measures for Supporting the High-Quality Development of Innovative Medicines and Healthcare in Beijing (2024)" and the "Beijing Municipal Health Commission's Notice on Further Improving the Implementation of National Negotiated Medicines" issued in 2023, the following measures are to be taken:

(2)  Firstly, the scope of "double-channel" designated medical institutions for national negotiated medicines will be gradually expanded. All tertiary designated medical institutions in the city are required to ensure the supply of national negotiated medicines through both designated medical institutions and designated retail pharmacies. For districts such as Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chaoyang, Haidian, Fengtai, Shijingshan, Tongzhou, Changping, no new designated retail pharmacies will be added. Instead, one designated retail pharmacy will be selected from the existing pilot institutions to sign a three-party agreement with the designated medical institutions to ensure the supply of national negotiated medicines.

(3)  For other districts, a designated retail pharmacy will be selected as a shared pharmacy for the entire district, and a three-party agreement will be signed with the designated medical institutions to ensure the supply of national negotiated medicines.

(4)  Secondly, the following work requirements are to be met:

(5)  (1) Designated medical institutions are required to maintain the relevant information of national negotiated medicines in their hospital information systems, ensuring that participating individuals can obtain prescriptions from doctors at participating medical institutions. Participating individuals are required to purchase medicines within the valid period of the prescription at designated retail pharmacies. Designated medical institutions are required to establish internal management systems, strengthen the promotion of clinical doctors, and ensure that medicines are used reasonably and safely.

(6)  (2) Designated retail pharmacies are required to strictly comply with the management regulations of the pharmaceutical supervision department, take responsibility for the quality of the medicines sold, and immediately terminate the three-party agreement and report the relevant problems to the relevant departments if quality issues arise. Designated retail pharmacies are required to implement unified prices with designated medical institutions, prepare national negotiated medicines according to the agreement, and meet the needs of participating individuals for medicines.

(7)  (3) District health commissions are required to complete the implementation of national negotiated medicines in designated medical institutions and pharmacies within their jurisdictions, improve the accessibility of national negotiated medicines, and promote the health and well-being of the people.


(1)  京医保发〔2024〕14号

(2)  各区医疗保障局、北京经济技术开发区社会事业局,各相关定点医药机构:

(3)  为进一步做好国家医保谈判药品(以下简称国谈药)落地工作,根据《北京市医疗保障局等九部门关于印发〈北京市支持创新医药高质量发展若干措施(2024年)〉的通知》(京医保发〔2024〕5号)要求和《北京市医疗保障局关于进一步做好国家医保谈判药品落地试点工作的通知》(京医保发〔2023〕15号)执行情况,现就有关问题通知如下:

(4)  一、逐步扩大国谈药“双通道”定点医药机构范围

(5)  (一)定点医疗机构

(6)  全市三级定点医疗机构应通过定点医疗机构和定点零售药店“双通道”保障国谈药供应,进一步确保患者治疗需要。

(7)  (二)协议定点零售药店

(8)  1.东城区、西城区、朝阳区、海淀区、丰台区、石景山区、通州区、昌平区原则上不新增协议定点零售药店,按照就近原则,从已试点协议定点零售药店中指定一家协商签订三方协议,保障国谈药供应。

(9)  2.门头沟区、顺义区、大兴区、房山区、怀柔区、密云区、平谷区、延庆区、经济技术开发区以区域作为一个整体,在辖区内医保基金结算金额最大的三级定点医疗机构周边,按照“双通道”零售药店遴选条件遴选一家定点零售药店作为全区共用的协议定点零售药店,与区域内定点医疗机构协商签订三方协议,保障国谈药供应。

(10)  二、有关工作要求

(11)  (一)定点医疗机构要做好国谈药的相关信息在本院HIS系统中进行维护,确保参保人员在试点医疗机构就医时,医生可根据治疗需要开具外配处方。参保人员按规定在处方有效期内到协议定点零售药店购药。

(12)  各定点医疗机构要健全内部管理制度,加强对临床医生的宣传,规范医疗服务行为,确保药品合理使用,同时保障参保人员规范使用外配药品。

(13)  (二)协议定点零售药店要严格遵守药品监管部门管理规定,对所售药品质量负责,若出现质量问题,立即解除三方协议,并将有关问题线索移交相关部门严格追究责任。

(14)  协议定点零售药店的国谈药与定点医疗机构执行统一价格,按照协议要求做好国谈药配备,满足参保人员用药需求。如协议定点零售药店不能满足定点医疗机构药品保障需求,定点医疗机构可申请更换协议定点零售药店。

(15)  (三)各区医保局要按有关规定,做好辖区内定点医药机构国谈药落地工作,提高国谈药的可及性,增进人民健康福祉。

(16)  北京市医疗保障局

(17)  2024年10月12日

(18)  备注:上述试点医药机构相关工作应于2024年12月31日前完成。