
English title (machine-translated)
Spokesperson Mao Ning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Holds Regular Press Conference on January 24, 2025.
Law, regulation or policy
外交部 (Central Authorities)
2298 characters, 24 paragraphs


(1)  Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang has concluded his visits to Switzerland and the Netherlands. The two countries reached important consensus on promoting bilateral relations, including maintaining high-level exchanges, upgrading the China-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement, and deepening cooperation in innovation, finance, and culture. The two sides also agreed to strengthen multilateral communication and coordination, and support multilateralism and free trade.

(2)  During his visit to the Netherlands, Ding and his Dutch counterpart discussed bilateral relations and exchanged views on various issues, including trade, agriculture, and water management. The two sides emphasized the importance of maintaining open cooperation and continuing to explore new areas of cooperation, such as green development and technological innovation.

(3)  China welcomes the upcoming visit of Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale to China, which is expected to take place over the weekend. The two countries have been working to improve their relations and implement the important consensus reached by their leaders.

(4)  China's position on the Ukraine crisis is that dialogue and negotiation are the only viable way to resolve the conflict. China has been actively engaged in diplomatic efforts to promote a peaceful resolution to the crisis and will continue to work with all parties to achieve this goal.

(5)  US President Donald Trump has expressed his willingness to drop tariffs on China, but also emphasized the significant impact of tariffs on the Chinese economy. China has consistently maintained that the China-US trade relationship is mutually beneficial and that disputes and frictions can be resolved through dialogue and negotiation.

(6)  China has welcomed the visit of German CDU leader Armin Laschet, who expressed concerns about investing in China due to the risks involved. China has emphasized the importance of objective and rational thinking about China's development and has called on Germany to uphold the spirit of friendly cooperation between the two countries.

(7)  China has also responded to US President Trump's comments on tariffs, reiterating that trade wars and tariffs are not beneficial to either side and do not conform to the interests of either country.

(8)  This year marks the first anniversary of China's diplomatic relations with Nauru, which were re-established on the basis of the one-China principle. Since the re-establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries have seen rapid development in their relations, with frequent exchanges at various levels. China has supported Nauru's purchase of cargo ships to ensure the country's supply chain, and has also provided new energy buses to help Nauru achieve its energy-saving and emission-reduction goals.

(9)  China and Nauru have also strengthened cooperation in various fields, including education, healthcare, and tourism. China has provided assistance to Nauru in the fields of white cataract surgery and education, and has also welcomed Nauruan students and scholars to study and train in China.

(10)  China is willing to work with Nauru to implement the important consensus reached by their leaders, deepen political trust, and promote practical cooperation, and to bring greater benefits to the people of both countries.


(1)  新华社记者:丁薛祥副总理今天结束了对瑞士、荷兰的访问。发言人能否介绍此访情况?双方达成了哪些重要共识?

(2)  毛宁:1月19日至24日,应瑞士、荷兰政府邀请,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理丁薛祥对上述两国进行了访问。访问围绕落实中欧领导人重要共识,日程丰富、成果丰硕,实现了2025年中欧高层交往“开门红”。

(3)  访问瑞士期间,双方积极评价两国关系发展,一致同意保持高层交往良好势头,办好“中瑞文化和旅游年”等建交75周年庆祝活动,加快推进自贸协定升级谈判,深化创新、金融、人文等领域合作,加强多边事务沟通协调,共同支持多边主义和自由贸易体制,推动两国创新战略伙伴关系不断开创新局面。

(4)  访问荷兰期间,双方就双边关系和共同关心的问题广泛深入交换意见,积极评价两国在经贸、农业、水利等领域务实合作,同意坚持开放合作,继续挖掘绿色发展、科技创新等合作增长点,共同维护全球产供链稳定畅通。双方均表示坚定支持多边主义,愿加强在重大国际问题上的沟通,共同应对气候变化等全球挑战,为世界和平稳定与发展进步作出贡献。

(5)  法新社记者:印度昨日称,印外交秘书将于本周末访华。中方能否证实并提供更多信息?

(6)  毛宁:去年10月,习近平主席同印度总理莫迪在喀山出席金砖峰会期间举行会见,就改善和发展中印关系达成重要共识。近段时间,中印双方认真落实两国领导人重要共识,两国外长、防长在多边场合会见,中印边界问题特别代表举行第23次会晤并取得积极成果。双方同意改善和加强交往,恢复机制性对话和各领域交流合作,推动中印关系早日重回健康稳定发展轨道。

(7)  我们欢迎唐勇胜外秘来华举行中印副外长/外秘级对话,会适时发布相关消息,请你保持关注。

(8)  俄新社记者:美国总统特朗普昨天表示,希望中国为结束乌克兰冲突发挥重大建设性作用。请问中方是否计划采取新的举措推动解决乌克兰危机?

(9)  毛宁:对话谈判是解决乌克兰危机的唯一可行出路。我们乐见各方发挥建设性作用,为推动局势降温、政治解决危机积累条件。中方将继续劝和促谈,愿同各方保持沟通。

(10)  美国全国广播公司记者:美国总统特朗普在世界经济论坛年会上表示,他非常喜欢习近平主席,但是希望(同中方)达成公平的贸易协议。中方是否愿同特政府接触以解决他所称的“离谱的1.1万亿贸易逆差”?

(11)  毛宁:中美经贸合作是互利共赢的,中国从不刻意追求贸易顺差。尽管中美之间有分歧和摩擦,但两国的共同利益和合作空间是巨大的,双方可以就此加强对话与协商。

(12)  路透社记者:发言人能否证实去年9月在深圳发生的日本男童被刺身亡案今日在深圳市中级人民法院进行公审?

(13)  毛宁:我可以告诉你的是,这个案件已进入司法程序,中国司法机关将依法审理有关案件。具体情况,建议你向中方主管部门了解。

(14)  德新社记者:德国基民盟主席和基民盟总理候选人默茨昨天表示,他对德国经济界的所有代表说,在中国投资是一个涉及巨大风险的决定。默茨还表示,按照德国的标准中国不是一个法治国家。外交部对此有何评论?

(15)  毛宁:中德是全方位战略伙伴。建交53年来,两国始终本着相互尊重、求同存异、交流互鉴、合作共赢原则发展双边关系,书写了中德务实合作的成功故事,为两国人民带来了实实在在的好处。我们希望德方客观理性看待中国发展,坚持中德友好传统,正视中德合作互利共赢的本质,多做符合两国和两国人民利益的事。我们也欢迎德国政治家来中国走一走、看一看,感受真实的中国,感受新时代中国的生机与活力。

(16)  法新社记者:美国总统特朗普在接受福克斯新闻台采访时表示,他更希望不对华征收关税,但关税对中国具有巨大威力。外交部对此有何评论?

(17)  毛宁:这个问题我们已多次表明立场。中美经贸合作是互利共赢的。对于分歧和摩擦,应当通过对话协商解决。贸易战、关税战没有赢家,不符合任何一方的利益,也不利于世界。

(18)  总台央视记者:今天是中国和瑙鲁复交一周年。中方如何评价一年来中瑙双边关系发展?对两国关系下步发展有何期待?

(19)  毛宁:一年前,中国和瑙鲁在一个中国原则基础上恢复大使级外交关系。复交以来,两国关系蓬勃发展,取得丰硕成果。

(20)  双方各层级交往日益密切。去年3月,瑙鲁总统阿迪昂成功对中国进行国事访问,习近平主席同他会谈,双方一致同意加强政治互信和互利合作,做相互尊重、共同发展的好朋友、好伙伴。去年9月,王毅外长在纽约联大期间会见瑙鲁外长安格明,就进一步深化两国友好关系交换意见。去年12月,瑙鲁议长斯蒂芬率团访华,全国人大常委会委员长赵乐际、全国政协主席王沪宁分别同他会谈会见。一年之内,瑙鲁全体内阁部长均已实现访华。

(21)  一年来,双方各领域务实合作全面展开。中方支持瑙方购买货船以保障瑙鲁物资供应,中国企业生产的新能源公交车助力瑙鲁实现节能减排目标,中国“光明行”医疗队为瑙鲁白内障患者带去福音,多批瑙鲁各界人士和留学生来华学习培训。可以说,越来越多的瑙鲁民众正在感受到两国复交的红利。

(22)  中国和瑙鲁关系发展的事实充分证明,在一个中国原则基础上同中国建立和发展关系,是人心所向、大势所趋,符合两国和两国人民的根本利益。中方愿同瑙鲁一道,落实好两国元首达成的重要共识,进一步巩固政治互信、深化务实合作,推动两国关系不断取得新发展,更好造福两国人民。我们也相信,世界上越来越多的国家将作出符合时代潮流的正确决定。

(23)  彭博社记者:跟进乌克兰问题。美国总统特朗普在世界经济论坛年会上发言时称,他在上周五同习近平主席通话时谈及乌克兰问题,双方有望共同努力结束乌克兰危机。外交部能否予以证实,可否介绍下阶段中国在乌克兰问题上将采取的措施?

(24)  毛宁:关于习近平主席同特朗普总统通电话的情况,中方已经发布了消息,你可以查阅。关于乌克兰危机,中方将继续致力于劝和促谈,我们愿就此同各方保持沟通。